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Industrial Users Seize the Opportunities of Electricity Price Arbitrage: Billion Watts’ Behind-the-Meter BESS System Turns Energy Savings into Competitive Advantage

2024 Nov 20

An site of user-side behind-the-meter BESS system in Eastern Taiwan showcases neatly positioned Billion Watts’ C&I energy storage equipment.

As the demands for industrial and commercial electricity continues to rise, companies are facing dual-pressure of insufficient power supply and increasing electricity prices. According to the data from Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs' Energy Bureau, the peak load is projected to grow at an annual rate of 2.04% in Taiwan between 2023 and 2029, especially in semiconductor and electronics manufacturing industries. 

Additionally, the electricity price gap between peak and off-peak hours for high-voltage users is reaching NT$7 per kWh, and some energy-intensive industries are facing a 14% increment in electricity costs which further triggers the challenges of inflating operational expenses.

In response to the situation, Billion Watts, a subsidiary of Billion Group (stock code: 3027) offers diversified integrated solutions including PV, BESS and EV charging systems. By making good use of electricity price arbitrage and leveraging peak and off-peak power usage, they help companies to achieve effective efficiency by energy savings thus promote sustainable development and eventually achieve a win-win outcome.

The Solution for the Contradiction Between Taiwan's Electricity Supply and Demand

Due to Taiwan’s densely populated landscape with limited land resources, decentralized energy systems and demand management are the key to tackle with energy allocation challenges. As the thriving development of science parks, AI computing data centers and industrial upgrades, electricity demand keeps rising causing reliance on stable power supplies and the challenges of strained power supply become more and more critical. Delays in gas-fired power generation and renewable energy supply projects have further exacerbated the pressure on power supply.

Given the difficulty of “increasing power supply,” Taiwan urgently needs to explore the options of “saving resources” to enhance the efficiency of existing power resources to prevent supply-demand imbalances.

The core utility for companies to invest in behind-the-meter storage systems and virtual power plants lies in balancing demand and supply and face the peak power demand with flexibility and without any requirements of new large-scale power generating facilities. During periods of high electricity prices, storage systems can discharge surplus power stored in advance to reduce costs.

Billion Watts recently completed behind-the-meter BESS projects for many major electricity users, planning to deploy 2.6 MW of resources for instant reserves and electricity price arbitrage by Q1 2025. The company offers innovative collaboration models including profit-sharing energy-saving programs, enabling enterprises to build storage systems at low costs and receive 10–20% annual electricity savings, achieving the true win-win situation with both energy efficiency and benefits from electricity price arbitrage.

Billion Group and Billion Watts team are highly praised for their PV, energy storage and EV charging integrated solutions with the cutting-edge technologies showcased at Taiwan International Energy Expo. this year.

Diversified Renewable Energy Applications and Business Models Can Help Enterprises to Deal with the Challenge of Rising Electricity Price

Billion Watts is one of the few companies capable of deeply integrating PV and energy storage system with monitoring technology. Utilizing the group's resources, we not only adopt locally manufactured green energy products but also provide customized battery system services to ensure rigorous quality control.

Billion Group's in-house brand, BILLION, offers a wide range of green energy products including solar inverters, energy storage systems, and EV chargers. Among them, Fusio One 100kW/215kWh commercial energy storage all-in-one equipment features modular design for flexible multi-unit expansion, installation, and operation, combined with advanced energy management technology which makes it an ideal solution for companies encountered with high electricity prices and market fluctuations.

Billion Watts’ can meet market demands with its innovative technologies and excellent services, highlighting the crucial role of energy storage technology in energy transition stage. To date, we have served over 1,500 solar power plants, with a total monitoring capacity of 550 MW and over 350 MW of solar inverter for both installations and grid connections.

After solidifying its position in Taiwan's energy storage market, Billion Watts is aggressively expanding all over the world. Collaborative micro grid projects of 350kW/1978kWh combined in Palau, Tuvalu, and the Marshall Islands demonstrate successful solutions to Pacific Island nations' power shortages. Meanwhile, the company is actively exploring high-potential markets, focusing on electricity trading markets in Japan (JEPX) and Australia (NEM) starting in Q3 this year and we aims to complete 20 MW of grid-connected PV and BESS integrated projects by 2025.

Billion Watts has completed grid-connected energy storage projects in Changhua and Yunlin with a total capacity of 78 MW. These projects are expected to be operational and formally enter electricity trading market by the end of this year or early next year.

作者: Billion Watts 2024 Nov 21
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Nov 12
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Oct 31
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Aug 9
盛達日本分公司2024年參加COMNEXT通訊展,台灣總公司團隊前往指導支援,與日本團隊合作拓展5G與道路交通及車載在日本市場的新應用商機 (圖/盛達提供)。
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Jul 12
盛達電業自有品牌MIT工商儲產品,今年6月開始,出口近22套自家生產台灣製造100kW/215kWh 工商充儲機出口至3個海島國家。
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Jun 25
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Jun 17
近期新北市發生疑似因「消費性應用鋰電池」充電意外引起的火災事故,導致有部分民眾因近期建置中的雲林斗六儲能案場使用的鋰電池擔心是否有安全的疑慮,本公司特此澄清與說明如下: 鋰電池為現今市面上應用面最多的儲能設備之一,為目前應用最廣泛且穩定的充電電池,按應用場景分為 「消費性電池」、「動力電池」和「儲能電池」三種。從應用場景來看,「動力電池」主要用於電動汽車、電動自行車以及其它電動工具領域,作為移動電源且採高功率充放電 (1-3C) 供載具車輛使用,對於能量密度則有更高的要求;反觀目前國內外電網級靜置型態儲能系統,絕大多數儲能裝置無需移動屬於慢充慢放 (0.5C-1C) 達到電能轉移之效用,本儲能場依照《經濟部能源署併網型儲能系統設置區域及設置安全規範》、《內政部消防署提升儲能系統消防安全管理指引》,以及《經濟部標檢局戶外併網型鋰電池儲能系統驗證制度》等法規建置,規模跟安全性達到國家最高要求。 本案採用安全性高、全球著名的儲能系統品牌,以整機系統取得國際安全標準UL 9540與IEC 62933-5-2安全證書,並符合UL 9540A燃燒測試之要求與美國消防協會NFPA 855 及國際消防規範IFC的相關規定,無延燒之風險,設備從零組件層級到整機系統層級均符合國際安全認證與台灣在地法規要求。 本案儲能系統採用符合全球最高規格「UL9540A大型防延燒測試」的水冷式電池外,將電池藉由水循環系統來降低溫度;也符合《提升儲能系統消防安全管理指引》明定儲能系統案場之外牆或相當於外牆之設施與鄰近建築物等場所應保持30公尺的安全距離 (所稱「外牆之認定,係以儲能系統燃燒輻射熱或火焰之起點計算,若儲能系統為裝置於貨櫃或箱體內,該貨櫃或箱體得視為相當於外牆之設施,計算與鄰近場所之安全距離),儲能消防規範規定防火牆設置耐燃2小時 (厚度即10公分即可) 本案場施作25公分,高於中央所規範的牆厚2.5倍的鋼筋混凝土防火牆,案場也設置防溢堤、灑水設備、消防蓄水池與鋰電池專用滅火器,皆依照「各類場所消防安全設備設置標準」進行消防設計,使用消防署屬認可安全設備,且設計圖面、計算書應由消防設備師設計及簽證,並提供消防防護計畫、與當地消防單位聯繫提供緊急應變之規劃、每年應定期檢修消防安全裝置。 本起新北市火災事件依目前調查進度顯示之資料為「消費性電池」而非「儲能電池」,而民眾所疑慮斗六儲能案場的部分,所設置的專用滅火器是專為鋰電池火災設計的新型滅火藥劑專用規格,如遇電池過熱情況,依循消防署火災撲滅流程及方式SOP進行操作,更好的滅火方式是不斷噴灑大量的水,以達散熱與降溫,減低和阻斷電池芯產生的熱失控,經消防技師計算,建置80噸消防水池及消防泵浦供消防灑水使用,24小時/365天電池溫度監控,具備故障自動連鎖解聯、多方監控機制、定期巡檢,對於設備的安全性無需顧慮。 盛齊綠能呼籲各界,避免引用容易誤導民眾、或引起不必要恐慌、且與本案場無關之言論,傷害再生能源發展業者之信譽,並能理解與共同支持國家再生能源政策,使人民有更好的用電環境。
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Jun 13
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Nov 21
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Nov 12
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Oct 31
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Aug 9
盛達日本分公司2024年參加COMNEXT通訊展,台灣總公司團隊前往指導支援,與日本團隊合作拓展5G與道路交通及車載在日本市場的新應用商機 (圖/盛達提供)。
作者: Billion Watts 2024 Jul 12
盛達電業自有品牌MIT工商儲產品,今年6月開始,出口近22套自家生產台灣製造100kW/215kWh 工商充儲機出口至3個海島國家。
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